<?php namespace NicolasBejean\CategoryWidget\Model\ResourceModel; use \Magento\Framework\Data\Collection\Db\FetchStrategyInterface; use \Magento\Framework\Data\Collection\EntityFactoryInterface; use \Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\AdapterInterface; use \Magento\Framework\DB\Select; use \Magento\Framework\EntityManager\MetadataPool; use \Magento\Framework\Event\ManagerInterface; use \Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException; use \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\AbstractDb; use \Magento\Store\Model\Store; use \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\Collection\AbstractCollection as AbstractCollectionExtends; use \Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface; use \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; /** * Class AbstractCollection * * @category PHP * @package NicolasBejean\CategoryWidget\Model\ResourceModel * @author Nicolas BĂ©jean <nicolas@bejean.eu> * @license https://github.com/nicolasbejean/category-widget/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @link https://www.bejean.eu */ abstract class AbstractCollection extends AbstractCollectionExtends { /** * Store manager * * @var StoreManagerInterface */ protected $storeManager; /** * @var MetadataPool */ protected $metadataPool; /** * @param EntityFactoryInterface $entityFactory * @param LoggerInterface $logger * @param FetchStrategyInterface $fetchStrategy * @param ManagerInterface $eventManager * @param StoreManagerInterface $storeManager * @param MetadataPool $metadataPool * @param AdapterInterface|null $connection * @param AbstractDb|null $resource */ public function __construct( EntityFactoryInterface $entityFactory, LoggerInterface $logger, FetchStrategyInterface $fetchStrategy, ManagerInterface $eventManager, StoreManagerInterface $storeManager, MetadataPool $metadataPool, AdapterInterface $connection = null, AbstractDb $resource = null ) { $this->storeManager = $storeManager; $this->metadataPool = $metadataPool; parent::__construct($entityFactory, $logger, $fetchStrategy, $eventManager, $connection, $resource); } /** * Perform operations after collection load * * @param string $tableName * @param string|null $linkField * @return void * @throws NoSuchEntityException */ protected function performAfterLoad($tableName, $linkField) { $linkedIds = $this->getColumnValues($linkField); if (count($linkedIds)) { $connection = $this->getConnection(); $select = $connection->select()->from(['cms_entity_store' => $this->getTable($tableName)]) ->where('cms_entity_store.' . $linkField . ' IN (?)', $linkedIds); $result = $connection->fetchAll($select); if ($result) { $storesData = []; foreach ($result as $storeData) { $storesData[$storeData[$linkField]][] = $storeData['store_id']; } foreach ($this as $item) { $linkedId = $item->getData($linkField); if (!isset($storesData[$linkedId])) { continue; } $storeIdKey = array_search(Store::DEFAULT_STORE_ID, $storesData[$linkedId], true); if ($storeIdKey !== false) { $stores = $this->storeManager->getStores(false, true); $storeId = current($stores)->getId(); $storeCode = key($stores); } else { $storeId = current($storesData[$linkedId]); $storeCode = $this->storeManager->getStore($storeId)->getCode(); } $item->setData('_first_store_id', $storeId); $item->setData('store_code', $storeCode); $item->setData('store_id', $storesData[$linkedId]); } } } } /** * Add field filter to collection * * @param array|string $field * @param string|int|array|null $condition * @return AbstractCollectionExtends */ public function addFieldToFilter($field, $condition = null) { if ($field === 'store_id') { return $this->addStoreFilter($condition, false); } return parent::addFieldToFilter($field, $condition); } /** * Add filter by store * * @param int|array|Store $store * @param bool $withAdmin * @return $this */ abstract public function addStoreFilter($store, $withAdmin = true); /** * Perform adding filter by store * * @param int|array|Store $store * @param bool $withAdmin * @return void */ protected function performAddStoreFilter($store, $withAdmin = true) { if ($store instanceof Store) { $store = [$store->getId()]; } if (!is_array($store)) { $store = [$store]; } if ($withAdmin) { $store[] = Store::DEFAULT_STORE_ID; } $this->addFilter('store', ['in' => $store], 'public'); } /** * Join store relation table if there is store filter * * @param string $tableName * @param string|null $linkField * @return void */ protected function joinStoreRelationTable($tableName, $linkField) { if ($this->getFilter('store')) { $this->getSelect()->join( ['store_table' => $this->getTable($tableName)], 'main_table.' . $linkField . ' = store_table.' . $linkField, [] )->group( 'main_table.' . $linkField ); } parent::_renderFiltersBefore(); } /** * Get SQL for get record count * * Extra GROUP BY strip added. * * @return Select */ public function getSelectCountSql() { $countSelect = parent::getSelectCountSql(); $countSelect->reset(Select::GROUP); return $countSelect; } /** * Returns pairs identifier - title for unique identifiers * and pairs identifier|entity_id - title for non-unique after first * * @return array */ public function toOptionIdArray() { $res = []; $existingIdentifiers = []; foreach ($this as $item) { $identifier = $item->getData('identifier'); $data['value'] = $identifier; $data['label'] = $item->getData('title'); if (in_array($identifier, $existingIdentifiers)) { $data['value'] .= '|' . $item->getData($this->getIdFieldName()); } else { $existingIdentifiers[] = $identifier; } $res[] = $data; } return $res; } }