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Snippets Groups Projects

Kuadrado Software Website



  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • certbot for prod or mkcert for dev


  • Localhost

    With mkcert

    $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/letsencrypt/live/localhost
    $ sudo chmod 777 -R /etc/letsencryt/live/localhost
    $ mkcert -key-file privkey.pem -cert-file fullchain.pem localhost
  • Real server

    Install snapd and certbot at system level. https://certbot.eff.org/lets-encrypt/debianbuster-other

    Then run

    $ sudo certbot certonly --standalone


$ git clone https://gitlab.com/kuadrado-software/kuadrado-website.git
$ cd kuadrado-website

$ touch ./.env
# Fill .env file with the required variables described below

# Build the website
$ cd website
$ npm install
$ npm run build
# or
$ npm run build-debug

$ cd ..

# build the image and run the container
$ docker-compose up --build
# Or
$ docker-compose -f ./dev.docker-compose.yml up --build

Expected environment variables

Env vars may be defined in a .env file at the root of the project

  • RELEASE_MODE: Can be either "debug", "test" or "prod". It's used to define the log level. Not required. Default is "prod"
  • SERVER_PORT: The port bound the Actix server
  • SERVER_PORT_TLS: The tls port bound the Actix server
  • SERVER_HOST: IP address or domain name hosting the API.
  • SERVER_PROTOCOL: http or https regarding the protocol used to connect the server
  • RESOURCES_DIR: A linux directory that will be used to mount static resources like certs and html files
  • DATABASE_NAME: The name of the mongodb database
  • DB_PORT: The port of the database (MondbDB default is 27017)
  • DB_ROOT_USERNAME: Database root user name
  • DB_ROOT_PASSWORD: Database root password
  • DB_USERNAME: Database regular user name
  • DB_USER_PASSWORD: Database regular user password
  • DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME: Default website administrator username (admin panel authentication)
  • DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD: Default website administrator password (admin panel authentication)
  • CRYPT_KEY: Any random ascii string that will be used to encrypt data like emails and passwords.


Create a public/standard/test_sitemap.xml file with a sitemap structure in order to pass the tests. Create a public/testing empty directory

Admin panel - create a Play Button


In the article body

[PLAY_BUTTON {"engine": <engine-name>, "filename": <game-file-name>}]

Supported engine at the moment: "mentalo"