diff --git a/README-FR.md b/README-FR.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89fd78a391e012794964f72fc2084045fd92a55c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README-FR.md
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+# ansible-yunohost
+[🇬🇧 English version](README.md)
+Deployez Yunohost avec Ansible !
+## Prérequis
+## Role Variables
+Les variables par défaut sont disponibles dans `default/main.yml` cependant il est nécessaire de les surcharger selon vos besoins en termes de domaines, d'utilisateurs et d'applications sur Yunohost.
+## Exemple de Variables
+# Debian 10 script only.
+ynh_install_script_url: https://install.yunohost.org
+# The list of domains.
+ynh_main_domain: domain.tld
+  - forum.domain.tld
+  - wiki.domain.tld
+ynh_ignore_dyndns_server: False
+# The list of Yunohost users.
+   - name: user1
+     firstname: Jane
+     lastname: Doe 
+     mail_domain: domain.tld 
+# The list of Yunohost apps.
+  - label: WikiJS # Label is important, it's a reference for the Playbook.
+    link: wikijs # It can be the name of an official app or a git repo link.
+    args: # Provide args. Domain and pah are mandatory, for other args read manifest.json of app.
+      domain: wiki.domain.tld
+      path: /
+      admin: user1 
+      is_public: no
+  - label: Discourse
+    link: discourse 
+    args:
+      domain: forum.domain.tld
+      path: /
+      admin: user1 
+      is_public: yes
+## Dépendances
+## Exemple de Playbook
+- name: Install Yunohost on Debian Server
+  hosts: all
+  become: True
+  pre_tasks:
+    - name: Update all packages and index
+      ansible.builtin.apt:
+        upgrade: dist
+        update_cache: yes
+  roles:
+    - ansible-yunohost
+## License
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bb9a93ea13a4f17008203564926b30e5285b8890..e22d6b25ca2499de1227171a1dcb0b7e97d803bb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,73 +1,76 @@
+# ansible-yunohost
+[🇫🇷 French version](README-FR.md)
 Deploy Yunohost with Ansible!
+## Requirements
-Role Variables
+## Role Variables
+Default variables are available in `default/main.yml` however it is necessary to override them according to your needs for Yunohost domains, users and apps.
-Example of Variables:
+## Example of Variables
-  # Link to the install script
-  install_script_url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YunoHost/install_script/master/install_yunohost
-  # The main domain, then a list of other domains.
-  domain: example.com
-  extra_domains:
-    - example2.com
-    - example3.com
-  # Yunohost admin password
-  # If you don't want to use a noho.st url
-  ignore_dyndns: False
-  # The list of apps you want to install.
-  apps:
-    - label: Tiny Tiny RSS # Label is important, it's a reference for the Playbook.
-      link: ttrss # It can be the name of an official app or a github link
-      args: # Provide here args. Path and domain are mandatory, other args depend of the app (cf manifest.json of app).
-        path: /ttrss
-        domain: example.com
-  # The list of frontend users. 
-  users: 
-    - name: user1 # user which uses the default domain for its account
-      pass: p@ssw0rd
-      firstname: Jane
-      lastname: Doe
-      domain: '{{ domain }}'
-    - name: user2 # user which uses the first extra_domain for its account
-      pass: p@ssw0rd
-      firstname: John 
-      lastname: Doe
-      domain: '{{ extra_domain.[1] }}'
+# Debian 10 script only.
+ynh_install_script_url: https://install.yunohost.org
+# The list of domains.
+ynh_main_domain: domain.tld
+  - forum.domain.tld
+  - wiki.domain.tld
+ynh_ignore_dyndns_server: False
+# The list of Yunohost users.
+   - name: user1
+     firstname: Jane
+     lastname: Doe 
+     mail_domain: domain.tld 
+# The list of Yunohost apps.
+  - label: WikiJS # Label is important, it's a reference for the Playbook.
+    link: wikijs # It can be the name of an official app or a git repo link.
+    args: # Provide args. Domain and pah are mandatory, for other args read manifest.json of app.
+      domain: wiki.domain.tld
+      path: /
+      admin: user1 
+      is_public: no
+  - label: Discourse
+    link: discourse 
+    args:
+      domain: forum.domain.tld
+      path: /
+      admin: user1 
+      is_public: yes
+## Dependencies
-Example Playbook
+## Example Playbook
-- name: Provision servers
+- name: Install Yunohost on Debian Server
   hosts: all
-  remote_user: root
+  become: True
     - name: Update all packages and index
         upgrade: dist
         update_cache: yes
-     - { role: sylvainar.yunohost }
+    - ansible-yunohost
+## License
diff --git a/default/main.yml b/default/main.yml
index 70ece64b037cccf7b002ac5777d58df10e3411f0..b8a1fe6897547520d96bf613df0d7c691fc72aca 100644
--- a/default/main.yml
+++ b/default/main.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,26 @@
-  install_script_url: https://install.yunohost.org/
-  domain: example.com
-  extra_domains: ~
-  ignore_dyndns: False
-  apps: ~
-  users: ~
+# Debian 10 script only. 
+ynh_install_script_url: https://install.yunohost.org
+# The list of Yunohost domains.
+ynh_main_domain: domain.tld
+ynh_extra_domains: null
+ynh_ignore_dyndns_server: False
+# The list of Yunohost users.
+ynh_users: null
+  # - name: user1
+  #   pass: p@ssw0rd
+  #   firstname: Jane
+  #   lastname: Doe
+  #   mail_domain: domain.tld
+# The list of Yunohost apps.
+ynh_apps: null
+  # - label: Tiny Tiny RSS # Label is important, it's a reference for the Playbook.
+  #   link: ttrss # It can be the name of an official ynh app or a git repo link
+  #   args: # Provide args here. Domain and path are mandatory, other args depend on the app (cf manifest.json of app).
+  #     domain: domain.tld
+  #     path: /ttrss
diff --git a/tasks/apps.yml b/tasks/apps.yml
index 37776b1bc9b910898209f9ae8e87c2537e609173..a0e7a50f4023cbe1f22df6d4032115ec199d8e7b 100644
--- a/tasks/apps.yml
+++ b/tasks/apps.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
 - name: List currently installed apps
   ansible.builtin.shell: yunohost app map --output-as json
-  register: yunohost_installed_apps_raw
+  register: ynh_installed_apps_raw
   changed_when: False
 - name: Format json of apps
-  ansible.builtin.set_fact: yunohost_installed_apps="{{ yunohost_installed_apps_raw.stdout | from_json }}"
+  ansible.builtin.set_fact: ynh_installed_apps="{{ ynh_installed_apps_raw.stdout | from_json }}"
-- name: Install apps
-  ansible.builtin.shell: yunohost app install {{ item.link }} --label "{{ item.label }}" --args "{% for key, value in item.args.items() %}{{key}}={{value}}{% if not loop.last %}&{% endif %}{% endfor %}"
-  with_items: "{{ yunohost.apps }}"
-  when: item.label not in yunohost_installed_apps.values()
+- name: Install yunohost apps
+  ansible.builtin.shell: yunohost app install {{ item.link }} \
+     --label "{{ item.label }}" \
+     --args "{% for key, value in item.args.items() %}{{ key }}={{ value 
+    }}{% if not loop.last %}&{% endif %}{% endfor %}"
+  with_items: "{{ ynh_apps }}"
+  when: item.label not in ynh_installed_apps.values()
diff --git a/tasks/domains.yml b/tasks/domains.yml
index c6c1424195507f9762d9fb7cca91e981512c4faf..db41c0a0371693fb0863265976c54efb8fc46921 100644
--- a/tasks/domains.yml
+++ b/tasks/domains.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 - name: List currently installed domains
   ansible.builtin.shell: yunohost domain list --output-as json
-  register: yunohost_installed_domains_raw
+  register: ynh_installed_domains_raw
   changed_when: False
 - name: Format json of domains
-  ansible.builtin.set_fact: yunohost_installed_domains="{{ yunohost_installed_domains_raw.stdout | from_json }}"
+  ansible.builtin.set_fact: ynh_installed_domains="{{ ynh_installed_domains_raw.stdout | from_json }}"
 - name: Create domains
   ansible.builtin.shell: yunohost domain add {{ item }}
-  with_items: "{{ yunohost.extra_domains }}"
-  when: item not in yunohost_installed_domains.domains
+  with_items: "{{ ynh_extra_domains }}"
+  when: item not in ynh_installed_domains.domains
diff --git a/tasks/main.yml b/tasks/main.yml
index b01d51bdcd798541a4d633bf6c597f091aefdce6..3d9e9baf60bb61b90bc29384bc2536aacc3c9ac0 100644
--- a/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/tasks/main.yml
@@ -8,43 +8,42 @@
 - name: Test if Yunohost is already installed
   ansible.builtin.stat: path=/etc/yunohost/installed
-  register: yunohost_file_install
+  register: ynh_file_install
-- name: Download install script
+- name: Download Yunohost install script
-    url: "{{ yunohost.install_script_url }}"
+    url: "{{ ynh_install_script_url }}"
     dest: /tmp/install_yunohost.sh
     mode: 700
-  when: yunohost_file_install.stat.exists == False
+  when: ynh_file_install.stat.exists == False
-- name: Launch script
+- name: Launch Yunohost install script
   ansible.builtin.command: /tmp/install_yunohost.sh -a
-  when: yunohost_file_install.stat.exists == False
+  when: ynh_file_install.stat.exists == False
-- name: Launch postinsstall
+- name: Launch Yunohost postinstall
   ansible.builtin.shell: "
     yunohost tools postinstall \
-      --domain {{ yunohost.domain }} \
-      --password {{ yunohost.password }} \
-      {% if yunohost.ignore_dyndns == True %} --ignore-dyndns {% endif %}
-      "
-  when: yunohost_file_install.stat.exists == False
+      --domain {{ ynh_main_domain }} \
+      --password {{ ynh_admin_password }} \
+      {% if ynh_ignore_dyndns_server == True %} --ignore-dyndns {% endif %}"
+  when: ynh_file_install.stat.exists == False
-- name: Create domains
+- name: Create extra domains
   ansible.builtin.include: domains.yml
-  when: yunohost.extra_domains
+  when: ynh_extra_domains
-- name: Run diagnosis # Required to install certificates
+- name: Run first Yunohost diagnosis
   ansible.builtin.shell: yunohost diagnosis run
-- name: Install certificates
+- name: Install domain certificates
   ansible.builtin.shell: yunohost domain cert-install
   changed_when: False
-- name: Add users
+- name: Add Yunohost users
   ansible.builtin.include: users.yml
-  when: yunohost.users
+  when: ynh_users
-- name: Install apps
+- name: Install Yunohost apps
   ansible.builtin.include: apps.yml
-  when: yunohost.apps
+  when: ynh_apps
diff --git a/tasks/users.yml b/tasks/users.yml
index fac1ed8eea0d09bca5551e066a1f4bbb89cd6823..f3e7eb14c2070c00304a78a267f0451c67aea5d8 100644
--- a/tasks/users.yml
+++ b/tasks/users.yml
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 - name: List users
   ansible.builtin.shell: yunohost user list --output-as json
-  register: yunohost_registered_users_raw
+  register: ynh_registered_users_raw
   changed_when: False
 - name: Format json of users
-  ansible.builtin.set_fact: yunohost_registered_users="{{ yunohost_registered_users_raw.stdout | from_json }}"
+  ansible.builtin.set_fact: ynh_registered_users="{{ ynh_registered_users_raw.stdout | from_json }}"
-- name: Create missing users
+- name: Create missing Yunohost users
   ansible.builtin.shell: |
     yunohost user create {{ item.name }} \
     -f {{ item.firstname }} \
     -l {{ item.lastname }} \
     -d {{ item.mail_domain }} \
     -p {{ item.pass }}
-  loop: "{{ yunohost.users }}"
-  when: item.name not in yunohost_registered_users.users.keys()
+  loop: "{{ ynh_users }}"
+  when: item.name not in ynh_registered_users.users.keys()