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# ############################################# #
#                 ~/.gitconfig                  #
#                                               #
#       This file is managed by Ansible         #
#       Manual edition will be overridden       #
#                                               #
#   https://lab.frogg.it/fcode/ansible/debian   #
#                                               #
# ############################################# #

	diff = auto
	status = auto
	branch = auto

	ap = add --patch
	ba = branch -av
	cia = commit --amend --no-edit
	ci = commit
	co = checkout
	diff = diff --ignore-all-space
	lga = log --graph --oneline --decorate --since=10days --all
	lgla = log --graph --oneline --decorate --date=short --all
	lg = log --graph --oneline --decorate --since=10days
	st = status

	keepBackup = no
	keepTemporaries = no
	prompt = no

	tool = meld

[url "ssh://git@github.com/"]
	pushInsteadOf = https://github.com/

[url "ssh://git@gitlab.com/"]
	pushInsteadOf = https://gitlab.com/

[url "ssh://git@lab.frogg.it/"]
	pushInsteadOf = https://lab.frogg.it/