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const lightCodeTheme = require("prism-react-renderer/themes/github");
const darkCodeTheme = require("prism-react-renderer/themes/dracula");
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/** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').DocusaurusConfig} */
module.exports = {
  title: "Simplifiez-vous le code !",
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  tagline: "Froggit aide à booster la coopération des Dev, Ops et autres Techs des entreprises autour du code source, sans gérer une infrastructure complexe !",
  url: process.env.DOCUSAURUS_URL || "https://froggit.fr",
  baseUrl: process.env.DOCUSAURUS_BASEURL || "/",
  onBrokenLinks: "throw",
  onBrokenMarkdownLinks: "warn",
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  favicon: "img/favicon/favicon.ico",
  organizationName: "froggit/www", // Usually your GitHub org/user name.
  projectName: "froggit.fr", // Usually your repo name.
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  themeConfig: {
    navbar: {
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      logo: {
        alt: "Froggit Logo",
        src: "img/logo_typo_froggit.png",
      items: [      
        {label: "✨ Fonctionnalités", position: "left", to: "/#features"},
        {label: "❓ FAQ", position: "left", to: "/faq"},
        {label: "💰 Tarifs", position: "left", to: "/tarifs"},
        {label: "📔 Doc", position: "left", type: "doc", docId: "intro", },
          label: "🎁 Antisèche git",
          position: "left",
          href: "https://lydra.systeme.io/froggit-inscription",
          label: "👤 Connexion",
          position: "right",
          href: "https://lab.frogg.it/users/sign_in",
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        {label: "🚀 S'enregistrer", position: "right", to: "/tarifs"},
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    footer: {
      style: "dark",
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      links: [
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          items: [
              label: "▶️ Youtube",
              href: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauIDghddUNu6Fto1nR9Bmg/?sub_confirmation=1",
              label: "👔 Linkedin",
              label: "🐸 Froggit",
              label: "🦊 GitLab",
              label: "🐦 Twitter",
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          items: [
              label: "🔐 Ton code source est-il en sécurité?",
              href: "https://lydra.fr/es-2-ton-code-source-est-il-vraiment-en-securite/",
              label: "⚖️ La souveraineté numérique",
              href: "https://lydra.fr/category/souverainete-numerique/",
              label: "❓ git kesako",
              href: "https://github.com/git-guides/",
          title: "Support",
              label: "🛎️ Contact",
              to: "/contacts",
              label: "✔️ Status",
              href: "https://status.froggit.fr",
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          items: [
              label: "🏢 À propos",
              href: "https://lydra.fr",
              label: "💼 Équipe",
              href: "https://lydra.fr/#team",
              label: "⚖️ Mentions légales",
              to: "/mentions_legales",
              label: "📜 CGV",
              to: "/CGV",
              label: "📃 CGU",
              to: "/CGU",
              label: "🔍 Politique de confidentialité",
              to: "/confidentialite",
              label: "👥 Sous-traitants",
              to: "/sous-traitants",
      copyright: `Lydra © ${new Date().getFullYear()}` +"<br/>"+ `Froggit est fièrement fabriqué avec ❤️ par <a href="http://lydra.fr/">Lydra</a> avec des Logiciels Libres et hébergé en 🇫🇷 chez <a href="https://www.scaleway.fr/">Scaleway</a>`,
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    prism: {
      theme: lightCodeTheme,
      darkTheme: darkCodeTheme,
  presets: [
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        docs: {
          sidebarPath: require.resolve("./sidebars.js"),
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          // Please change this to your repo.
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        blog: {
          showReadingTime: true,
          // Please change this to your repo.
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        theme: {
          customCss: require.resolve("./src/css/custom.css"),