description: "page factice"
import CarouselLibre from "@site/src/components/CarouselLibre";
# Page factice
Page factice penser à créer une vraie page !
echo "Hello World"
<button className="button button--note">button--note</button>
<button className="button button--success">button--success</button>
<button className="button button--info">button--info</button>
<button className="button button--warning">button--warning</button>
<button className="button button--danger">button--danger</button>
:::note Encart note
🔜 **Les tarifs arrivent !** <a class="button button--note" href="#">Bouton note !</a>
:::success Encart success
🔜 **Les tarifs arrivent !** <a class="button button--success" href="#">Bouton success !</a>
:::info Encart info
🔜 **Les tarifs arrivent !** <a class="button button--info" href="#">Bouton info !</a>
:::caution Encart caution
🔜 **Les tarifs arrivent !** <a class="button button--warning" href="#">Bouton caution !</a>
:::danger Encart danger
🔜 **Les tarifs arrivent !** <a class="button button--danger" href="#">Bouton danger !</a>
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Some **content** with _markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#).
Some **content** with _markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#).
Some **content** with _markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#).
Some **content** with _markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#).