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mod website;
use actix_web::{get, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder};
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use website::WebSite;

fn load_website_template() -> WebSite {
    let site_template_path = std::env::current_dir()
    let site_template = std::fs::read_to_string(site_template_path).unwrap();
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async fn page(
    website: actix_web::web::Data<WebSite>,
    pth: actix_web::web::Path<String>,
) -> impl Responder {
    let pth = format!("/{}/", pth.into_inner()); // BUG Use trailing slash middleware ? or match root or not root
    match website.get_page_by_url(&pth) {
        Some(page) => HttpResponse::Ok().body(page.html_doc.clone()),
        None => HttpResponse::NotFound().body(format!("Not found {}", pth)),

async fn admin_dashboard() -> impl Responder {

async fn admin_login() -> impl Responder {
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async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
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    let website = load_website_template();
    // Get port from arg, or get context from arg and define default port, or set default port to standard

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    // LOAD A WEBSITE SCHEMA (JSON) FROM CLI ARGUMENT PATH OR search in /var/{sitename} and load it CREATE A NEW ONE
    // create pages resources with templates and the contents from the json file
    // Save the resources in an appstate

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    // create the static dir in standard location if doesn't exist (like /var/{sitename}/static)
    // create the static files index (like Arc<Mutex<StaticFilesIndex>>)

    // create a Rest service at root with extensive path argument: like #[get(/{pth:.*})]
    // Then parse the website document and return the corresponding template, or 404 template

    let host = "localhost";
    let certs_dir = std::path::PathBuf::from("/etc/letsencrypt/live").join(host);
    let cert_file =
        &mut std::io::BufReader::new(std::fs::File::open(certs_dir.join("fullchain.pem")).unwrap());
    let key_file =
        &mut std::io::BufReader::new(std::fs::File::open(certs_dir.join("privkey.pem")).unwrap());

    let cert = rustls::Certificate(rustls_pemfile::certs(cert_file).unwrap().remove(0).to_vec());
    let key = rustls::PrivateKey(

    let srv_conf = rustls::ServerConfig::builder()
        .with_single_cert(vec![cert], key)
        .expect("bad certificate/key");

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    HttpServer::new(move || {
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    .bind_rustls("", srv_conf)?
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