sudo yunohost tools update : Fetches all updates, whether they are system or app related.
sudo yunohost app upgrade nextcloud : To update one app, When running and app is already up to date, return code is 0. Could design a cron task for trying to update app every day.
sudo yunohost tools upgrade apps && sudo yunohost tools upgrade system : To run apps and system updates.
We could design a cron task that runs everyday and tries to update all YNH apps. The task could be a script or simply sudo yunohost tools upgrade apps.
What do you think about that? @cchaudier @thomas_michel
Log in a file is essential (>> /var/log/ynh_updates.log 2>&1).
Regarding 6 years of Nextcloud apps auto-updates (and not Nextcloud auto-update! Be carefull!), errors appears regularly but in minor ways. BUT, Nextcloud update is risky at many levels and we should be careful with this.
I have just found out that YNH already creates logs when a system / app update is performed (in .log and .yml) so it's not really useful to create logs somewhere else.
Logs can be displayed in
> Yunohost web admin panel > Outils > Journaux or in /var/log/yunohost/categories/operation